July Organization Updates

Hello Makers! Just an update to let everyone know what’s been happening lately… We are official!  Rick Green has been hard at work getting all of the paperwork filled out to become incorporated and to register as a non-profit organization.  Earlier this week he took to Google+ to let us all know this has been … Read More

LED Throwies

These little guys are really easy to make and were a big hit at our booth at LoDa Artwalk last friday.  Kids and adults were curious about how we made them and what they were for.  So what is an LED throwie?  It’s a battery powered LED that is magnetic.  You can throw them against … Read More

First LoDa Artwalk a success!

So we have just finished our first public event and the reception we got was great!  The local community really responded to our message and were interested to see what we will be doing in the future.  I have to give credit to Dana Spisak for pushing us to participate in Artwalk.  It has been something … Read More