About Us
We are a group of Makers in Mobile Alabama. Our current physical space is located in Mobile at 2472 Commercial Park Drive, just off of Government street a couple miles east of Interstate 65.
Who are makers?
You, me, anyone and everyone. A maker is a person who has a passion for learning, experimentation, tinkering, and teaching. Do you find yourself taking things apart to see how they work? Do you tend to try to fix things instead of buying new? Do you ever spend an afternoon daydreaming about an invention or an idea? If you answer yes to any of these, then you are a maker!
Who are we?
We are a group of hobbyists who work with everything from electronics to woodworking, and are interested in everything from cooking to quantum physics. Our members are computer geeks, engineers, artists, students, and everything in between.
What do we do?
We work on projects at the space. We have monthly meetings to discuss our passion for making. We share project ideas and collaborate together.
Legal Status
Mobile Makerspace is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Your donations of money, equipment, and materials to Mobile Makerspace are tax-deductible. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today!