Progress on buildout

The opening of the Makerspace new location was delayed due to extensive work that needed to be done to the new building. A few dedicated members have been steadily working to make the new building clean and safe for members and the community. We are progressing, but it is taking longer than expected. We will be opening sections of the space as they become ready. Currently, the 3D printing room is almost ready to go. The Electronics repair room, the Craft room and the Classroom will follow shortly.

The dirty side (woodworking) is making progress, but required much more work. We are expecting a grand opening on April 6th.

If you would like to check on the progress, we are giving limited tours of the building when we are available. Many have come by to check on the progress. The best time to come by is when we are having our monthly business meeting. This happens on the Saturday that follows Artwalk (which is every 2nd Friday of the month) from 11am to 12:30pm.

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