Mobile Makerspace Attended Nation of Makers Meeting

Mobile Makerspace president, Dana Spisak, represented Mobile Alabama at the Makerspace Organizers Meeting convened by The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The meeting was held August 24th in the Washington, D.C.
Nation of Makers Meeting
Approximately 200 makerspace organizers from across the country attended the meeting. The day long event consisted of talks from different makerspace organizers, presentations from government agencies on ways to engage the federal government for funding makerspace initiatives, as well as breakout sessions on various aspects of practices for growing the maker movement throughout the country.
“The makerspace organizer meetings, held as a part of the Nation of Makers initiative, is a significant step towards transforming and linking 100’s of individual maker communities across the our nation. The involvement by The White House speaks to the importance of the Maker Movement,” says Dana Spisak, president Mobile Makerspace.
About Mobile Makerspace
Mobile Makerspace operates a community based workspace were members share low cost access to tools, workspace, and knowledge for collaboration. The workspace, located in downtown Mobile Alabama, along with its all volunteer staff serve the greater Mobile metro area. See for more information about Mobile Makerspace.

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