August Business Meeting & Elections

Mobile Makerspace held its August business meeting and elections Saturday August 30th at our space in downtown Mobile Alabama. The results of the elections are:

PresidentPatrick Davis
Vice PresidentRick Green
TreasurerBrian Wright
SecretaryDana Spisak
MembershipRick Green
Public RelationsDana Spisak

Meeting minutes are on the the Google shared drive under Meeting Minutes. We planned our events and workshops for September. Details for the two workshops will be updated and published once finalized.

9/69AMWorkday – workbench builds
9/126-9PMLoDa Artwalk audio theme
9/156-9PMRetro Game Night
9/20TBDWorkshop for RetroPi/Raspberry Pi gaming machines
9/27TBDWorkshop for Introduction to Arduino Programming

Thank you for everyone’s hard work and look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event.

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