July Organization Updates

Hello Makers!

Just an update to let everyone know what’s been happening lately…

  • IMAG0303We are official!  Rick Green has been hard at work getting all of the paperwork filled out to become incorporated and to register as a non-profit organization.  Earlier this week he took to Google+ to let us all know this has been completed!
  • BBQ!  Somehow Rick also found time to compete and place 4th in the “Big Flame BBQ” competition last weekend.
  • Pretty Lights!  Dana Spisak has been hard at work on a project for next weeks Artwalk event.  If anyone else is working on anything and wants us to post it send Patrick Davis some pictures and a description.
  • Banner has arrived!  Johnathan R. did a great job on designing the logo for the organization.  Today he let us know that we will have an official banner for our table at Artwalk.  He will also have the banner at the meeting this Saturday so we can check it out.

Upcoming Events:

We have a general meeting this Saturday @ the Ashland Gallery.  This meeting is open to the public, so if you are interested in the group please feel free to stop by and say hello.

We will also be setting up a table for Artwalk on the 9th in Cathedral Square.  Drop by and check out some projects!

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